Hay baling excitement.....

.....but guess who's missing it!!!

Noo is conked out on the bed! He fell asleep mid conversation on the way home, much to ZQ's amusement, and I was able to get him out of the car seat and upstairs without him stirring! I then conked out......

I could have done with a complete change of clothes twice over during my round today! I drank 3 bottles of water (and I hate drinking 'just' water) and was still in need of more! My cooling system must be quite effective!

I'm about to brave the outdoors again on my bike. (Although I've been jogging my round, I daren't go out for a run in case I can't run well :-( ) GravyC said I look like a Tour de France cyclist lately, but I think he's referring to my 'naff' tan lines rather than my elite cyclist physique.......

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