secret garden

By freespiral

NOT a heatwave

Let but my scarlet head appear
And I am held in scorn;

Yet juice of subtle virtue lies
Within my cup of curious dyes.
Christina Rosetti

If anything today is even worse than yesterday for not only do we have thick humid mist, it's also raining :(  A week or two of dampness and the garden is wild - everything ridiculously lush and rampant. I can hardly get into the polytunnel either. Peas, beans and vines jostle for the light whilst nasturtiums, calendula and these pretty pink poppies mingle with the beetroot and spinach. The odd effect in the background is caused by rainy rivulets streaming down the plastic.

A busy day nonetheless - book and cards taken to Bantry, a card delivery here (unfortunately half still on the floor at the printers); and an attempt at gathering tax type papers together. Subtle virtue or what.

Sounds somewhat warm almost everywhere east of here - hope you're all surviving.

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