
I spent all morning cleaning and packing a heap of things that have accumulated in my folks house. After carefully packaging it, I took it to the nearest auction place. Wuman behind the reception said you need to unpack it all and stack it on the table. On the hottest day so far I duly did so then this blonde bimbo came to look at it. After about half a minute she said "this stuff has no value, it's ten a penny and not worth our time selling it"! I said can t you sell it as one big lot (the thought of repacking occupying my sweating mind). " no"said she, " you would be as well to dump it with a charity shop" ok I will take it back and picked up some paper to begin 're wrapping. "Oh don't bother wrapping it, it's not worth it"

Insensitive bitch I thought. I wasn't some tealeaf trying to houwk stolen goods! This was china and silver that meant something to a person close to me yet she treats me and my "stuff" with such disinterest and contempt.

I won't be gracing their place again. I would sooner give it away to folks I know.
At least I know where I stand.
Onwards and upwards as the saying goes

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