
A good start to a rather dreary day. I received an email to say that I was successful in the lottery for the 2016 Kobe Marathon. That means I will now run in the Osaka Marathon on October 25th and the Kobe Marathon on November 15th. I also hope to enter the 2016 Kyoto Marathon in February and the Yodogawa Ultramarathon in March. So much to look forward to. I hope Dick Dastardly doesn't try to thwart my attempts at beating my personal bests.

Just as with the Fred Flintstone portrait, although I like the Dick Dastardly which I drew a few days ago, it still doesn't have the realistic effect I am aiming for. This afternoon I got a little bit closer to that effect with Popeye (see extra) but he is not so visually appealing as the other two characters, so I'll keep on trying.


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