Oak Meadow

The other day, mum had forgotten the treats for our training session at the dog club. Today, we made a new attempt. First, we went for a nice long walkie over to the bird lakes, to see how things were going. The swans had little cygnets, but the horned grebe, which is endangered around here, kept hiding in the vegetation so we don't really know about them. Huge cows were grazing in the oak meadow, which is also what the place is called. Ekäng. Oak meadow. This is one of our favourite spots.

Over at the club, there were a few other dogs, but we grabbed our gear and headed out to the largest field. Two horses were our audience. We had a good session, I earned myself treats and some great playtime.

Mum is painting Hedwig's bucket, trying to turn it into a cage. Mum isn't very good at painting, so I am not sure how it will turn out.

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