Spot the Golden Oriole
Hearing the Oriole fluting away in the garden is one of the pleasures of the summer here. Such an exotic sound. But they are very hard to see. This morning one was singing extra loud, so I got the binoculars out and had a go - and here it was. I pointed the camera in the general direction and clicked - and somehow there it is. Ok, it's not going to make it into any bird books, but it makes me happy.
Hot hot hot today. The school is in canicule (heatwave) mode which basically seems to involve the teachers shouting a lot and no-one doing any work. CarbBoy's class were on a school trip, which seemed to go really well - though CarbBoy seems to have stopped excitedly telling me every last detail of his day (which I am oddly both happy and sad about) so I don't really know.
Only other event today was TallGirl (also on a school trip - I got to hear every detail of that one) suddenly remembering that tomorrow is her last day and could I pleeeeeeease help her think of a present for her lovely teacher. (Tada - fudge do you? Though frankly I'm sure the teacher in question would much rather have a jar of homemade chocolate martini, but best keep things straight.)
Oh and there was a prolonged fight between a pigeon and a (different) Golden Oriole. Not quite sure what was going on there.
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