Sports day

Parental guilt
Horrid thing
Found out last night it was sports day at nursery today. Think the children that were leaving had been formally told, those with another year to go had been word of mouth.
Lee managed to take his poorly car to the garage (turbo blown with only two weeks to go before his new car due to arrive) and pop to see Munchie doing sports day. We told her that neither of us could be there due to work so she was delighted when daddy turned up.

Very hot, when I left the car informed me it was 31.5 degrees. The children's rooms are currently 25 and 26 degrees!

Munchie fell asleep on the way home, as did Wom. Wom woke so had bath but then was a total tinker going to sleep. Munchie just slept, stirred around 8 wanting daddy so we rang him, she then fell asleep in our bed, where I left her until a bit ago.

Loving this weather

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