Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Beanz Meanz Silenze

I wish! She rabbits on and on and on and on...... all good stuff though, no bad things from this huge little mouth. It is very amusing, she comes out with some stuff and has us all in stitches a few times every day.

The real reason she's covering her mouth: she came to ask me a question and I saw that the lunchtime beans-on-toast had left it's mark all around her face. She was covered in it!!! A real pet-hate of mine, messy kid's faces; so I grabbed the camera to capture it and she denied me. Looked a lot better like this though!

Thank you for all your wonderful comments yesterday - they touched me and I have a warm feeling inside that I am doing something artistic well. I have always been logically minded and this is the first non-maths/ICT/Science thing I have even been any good at, so to read praise is a personal joy. Ta Blippeeps... I will catch up on all your journals later today now our mini-travels are over.

It's work Sunday today so I am ready for the return tomorrow - a ton of paperwork and planning, just to avoid the report writing really (only done one this week off!). Tomorrow is our Jubilee Day at school, where teachers and pupils are dressing up as Kings or Queens or in Red/White/Blue.......5 housepoints if you can guess what I am doing :-\ Gotta be blipped.

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