You're probably wondering, what's the point in this? But there's more than meets the eye.

There's 4 major things in my life; family, friends, photography and music.
Music has played a huge part in my life, were not a musical family, well my brother and dad play the guitar and i've always grown up introduced to the best bands in the world and although I can't play an instrument (and believe me i've tried) i've never really been able to. Somehow there's something about music for me even if it's just listening to it.
Music has helped me through some of the toughest times in my life so far as there's a song for anything you are feeling and the way these artists put it out there for you, sharing their deepest emotions just to let you know your not on your own with anything. Music allows you to flow with it wether you're concentrating on the lyrics or the instruments.

Ben Howard- i've probably known his music for about a year now and not once does he fail to take my breath away. So now I don't know if to be really happy or really angry but I think happiness has overtaken. I've been trying to find tickets to one of his concerts in Spain and sadly enough he didn't have any, or so I thought... Today I found out he's playing in Ibiza Rocks, now you'll probably asking yourself, why was she angry then? Well because I live in Mallorca and funnily enough there's a Mallorca Rocks here and everyone who's playing here plays there except, you guessed it BEN HOWARD. I mean come on! Anyway the thing is, I love him and I'm going to go see him because nothing would make me happier. And if your around Spain I wouldn't give it a miss.

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