Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Monday -- The Evening Show Continues

We were driving toward home this evening when we caught a view of the western sky and quickly, as we were driving, I captured this photo. The "sunset show" is not as spectacular as last night, but certainly something to appreciate.

It's not been a very good day in this household because tomorrow Mr. Fun goes to his doctor for a prostate biospy, so he's extremely depressed. It is troublesome to me that he's letting this "get" to him so badly. It's almost as if we've already been handed a verdict of "death." When in reality, there's been no verdict at all.

His PSA number was elevated last fall and his doctor told him on December 4th to change his diet to "vegan" (no meat -- none-- no dairy, that's no cheese, no milk, no eggs). So we did that immediately. A month later his PSA number was down. We were thrilled. A month ago, he went back in for another PSA test and his numbers were up, so the doctor has ordered this biopsy.

Mr. Fun tends to be a very funny person; therefore, the nickname. But behind the closed door of our home, he slips into depression on occasion and those moments are anything but fun. That's been the fabric of our day this Monday.

From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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