The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

They really do get everywhere, but I find them. This is a happy, top-of-the-local-high-rise-condo-grave cemetery blip...because I feel like death...

Oh my head. Ohlordylordylordy *groans*. Only a bacon butty could save me, my (vegetarian) hurty head is that hurty. Think nasty little men with evil pointy sticks and an attitude, hanging from the backs of your eyeballs and playing
"we have sharp objects and we're not afraid to use them" with whatever is closest to hand and at the moment, that seems to be the whole area behind my forehead.

Who invented wine anyway? And who had the bright idea of drinking it?

Yesterday was World Gin Day. I'm glad I didn't find that out until this morning...

This is a bacon butty for the soul.
and if you need more...

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