I need a hair cut!
This is Indie on one of his many sit downs on tonight walk. I had to carry him down the path to the back gate. At 2st 2lbs (Fu weighed him), he is too heavy for that. I put a picture of him on Facebook and the breeder says I should get his hair cut. So I will arrange for this to happen. It will change him totally and he will loose all his puppy black hair.
I have just watched a programme about Scotland's war at sea. Very interestingly it mentioned Inchgarvie. This was always an island that I was fascinated with as a child, and I would look for it whilst on the train. Great to see it on the telly. It also mentioned Incholm island, which I took the boys to when they were very small. Great adventure, although quite scary at the top of one of the Abbeys Towers.
Heard from Mr PB, yesterday he lost his cycling sun glasses, today he dropped his camera and it won't work now! grrrrr Other than that they are having a ball!
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