The Way I See Things


Mono Monday: Line

This is the last call for entries for this week's Mono Monday. The theme is Line and the tag is mm74. Thanks to all of you who have played during my month in the host's seat - I've thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I hope you've had fun too. I believe that next week your host will be irunlykagirl.

I've taken about a gazillion photos today, and binned almost all of them. This is the one that speaks most clearly of lines - it's a flowering spike on the ornamental grass Festuca glauca, shot with the 31mm extension tube on the 85mm lens.

Two more reminders if I may: tomorrow is Tiny Tuesday (tags tinytuesday and tinytuesday5), and on Wednesday my tenure at the helm of Wide Angle Wednesday begins with the theme Architecture (tag widwed18)

Before I go, I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been lovely about yesterday's owl photo - I don't remember ever making it to the top row of Popular before, and it's highly likely that I won't ever get there again, so I'm relishing the moment!

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