Shire Hall, Chelmsford and other stuff

Late morning excursion to Chelmsford High Street for various personal banking and business stuff, I see they have now finished the renovation and cleaning of Chelmsford Shire Hall. "Designed and built by John Johnson the Essex county surveyor, construction started in 1789 and it was opened in 1791 as a Courthouse, a function it retained until April 2012. The frontage is made from Portland Stone while the rest of the building is made from Mildmay Brick. The clock was added in 1887 as a gift from Queen Victoria to commemorate her Golden Jubilee." (Stuart Axe on flickr for the info)  I took a few photos while waiting for my bro who had been to the local tip with the stuff we discarded from the garage over the weekend.  

In other news: After a lunch at the Fox and Raven - a pint of Brakespeare and a yummy cheeseboard, we were hardly home when bro got a call to say his job interview arranged for Friday needed to be rescheduled - and so he offered to go this afternoon, and as I write this tonight, I am so happy to say that he has a new job !!  So delighted are we, that it was back to the F&R for a celebratory dinner, my treat. F&R twice in one day... possibly a record?

Extra pics show a happy bro,  the Fox and Raven and the meads as seen from their garden.

In other news,  I don't want to dwell or comment on the Tunisia massacre other than to say that the news tonight is more than 30 Brits murdered on the beach last Friday.  Horror. 

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