Dance me to the end of love
We are back for a fabulous drive across France to visit the ever wonderful Richard (seen here on the right) – AKA LoJardinier. I genuinely think he is one of the nicest people in the world – it’s a privilege to be part of his life. It is also wonderful to see him so happy again (as you can see, both he and John are enraptured by the lovely M).
The only thing that marred the holiday was I lost my lovely little toughie – so a] didn’t have a camera for the majority of the holiday and b] lost the pictures I’d already taken – the saddest loss being those I took as we had a really wonderful evening in Richard’s garden where I managed to take the most fabulous portraits I’ve ever taken (of Richard, M and R) … which will now never be seen.
I used my iPhone for the rest of the holiday (I don’t carry a big camera anymore – it gives me a pain in the neck just thinking about it). I’ll post some of the iPhone pictures over the next few days.
The title of this is in memory of M ‘dragging’ Richard up to do a Paso Doble …
Madeleine Peyroux
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