
By lucia13

Open Garden Art Exhibition !

Hi everybody! It was raining in the morning but later it was sunshine again. Really a crazy day but  eventually in the  end was beautiful ! Here I posted some pictures of our paintings in  the gardens  and some of Rosa Branson's  in the church . We went around the gardens and it was a beautiful walk really.  Here the gardens of my friends Lisa, Ali and Heath Rosselli I missed the concert but we manage to go for a lovely dinner later with friends.
Oh by the way! I sold the painting of the yellow fields with me and my hat!  The one that you persuaded me to paint. Thanks for inspiring me my blip friends and art friends! It is here in the extra pictures behind my husband  on the little summer house . I think I posted the picture few weeks ago .
Thanks for the lovely comments and stars . Hope you enjoy the pictures
It was a busy but a wonderful weekend . Now I need to rest little bit. Hope you had a nice weekend.

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