
Not an auspicious start to our return home - wet and windy this morning. so not an ideal day for washing etc, but it did eventually brighten up a bit. One of the pleasures of returning after 2 weeks away is seeing the changes in the garden. This time last year, we were populating our newly designed garden with plants. One of my impulse buys was this Candelabra Primula. I wasn't sure how it would fare as it wasn't on the official plant list, but I'm delighted to say, it seems to have done really well and has sent up many more of these glorious gold / red flower spikes.
The completion of the new car park at Longshaw has been delayed, so I'm not going to miss the skills share for the reopening after all - I'll be off there tomorrow for a volunteers ' preview into how it will work. Not sure how much training will be needed - it's a car park, not a Large Hadron Collider. 

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