Lala's Journal

By Lala


As I took pictures down today, I decided to use one as my blip.

This is actually two birthday cards that Mr Lala framed together for me a couple of years ago. The cards were never given to their intended recipients, although one of them (me) now has both.

After my dad passed away suddenly in 1998, I was the one who got his camera and lenses. I didn't use it for a while as it seemed wrong, but when I did get round to sorting the bag out, I found the two cards. Mum told me that on holiday in France ( we all love France) a few months prior to his death he had spied them and brought them both, one for me and one for my sister.

I rarely used that big bag and having told my sister of the find, we just kind of agreed that they should stay together, and I left them in the bag.

I found them again when looking for a lens and shed many tears. My sister too had passed away by then, so I still keep them together but where I can see them both.

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