
By MarkR

Like butter wouldn't melt...

It really does, trust me..

Busy week. Lots of visitors, midwives, health visitors and of course many sleepless nights. The worst by far was last night which led to Gemma and I being complete zombies this morning. Still a quick power nap late powered us up and not only did we actually make it out of the house but we even managed to get to and from Watford for a family BBQ. 

Harriet has finally started lumping on weight (which is great) which means if we can sort out this bleeding feeding malarkey then we'll be sorted. I'm reaching for the formula as we speak...

I've decided we're going to do a weekly Blip (every Sunday). I was thinking when she arrived that we'd do one a day but to be honest I'm too tired and can't be arsed. 

Back to work tomorrow (sort of)

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