I'd to dial into an audio for two whole hours! On my day off. Grrrr. Still, it was over by lunchtime - I legged it to meet the daughter (who was slightly poorly), and sis and hubster, at AB1. A fish finger wrap - they serve one of yours truly's specialities! How long before my other great masterpiece, curried omelette in a pitta is on offer? After that, an afternoon of relaxing before Friday teatime pints - my first for weeks. And who was there but Dean Owens, aye, celeb indeed. One of that most praiseworthy group of men, the Leith jambos. Respect.
And then a fillum - Meet me in Montenegro which I've got to say was an annoying pile of quirky rom-commy formulaic trash. Yeah, set around a guy struggling to make a film. With one of those furry trapper style hats on. No respect to you, erse.
Still, home to catch errr Glasto (is that how it's termed these days?). It's been some time since I fell asleep in the armchair. So I did.
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