Mr John

By MrJohn

David .....

..... and the collard plants.

This afternoon I had an hour down the allotment getting a few more plants in the ground and doing a bit of weeding.

The weather was quite drizzly but at least it waters the plants. Also down on his plot next door to mine, was David. We swapped over spare plants that we'd grown so I now have a few different varieties of collard plants ( a kind of loose leaf cabbage ) and David has some sprouts and cauliflower plants that I've grown from seed.

It's a lovely community down at the allotment and swapping spare seedlings is a great way of getting a wider variety of crops, I would have never thought of growing collard but am now looking forward to a ready supply of it over winter. So today's blip is .....

..... avid and the collard plants.

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