
By tookie

Hot Hot Hot

Tried to find a place to enjoy suffer through the heat wave better so off to the mountains we drove.  Up past the top of the Snoqualmie pass to to Lake Kachees.  But once we finally arrived we were told there were no parking places and we could only drive in to stop at the restrooms.   I was about to a few explosive  kind words of good bye, but chose to move on to the restrooms first.  I popped out to take this picture of the lovely view near the restrooms.  The we drove out and onward to another nearby state park with equally full capacity, but we were allowed in. We finally found a space to park, unload the coolers and sit our butts down at a picnic table for lunch.  Sweltering hot but lovely trees and mountain air.  Not very refreshing however, so relatively soon we headed back home.

It's well into the late night now...early wee hours of Sunday as I back blip Saturday's an sit sweltering here at home.  We have several fans on but it's still very sweating and uncomfortable!  I think Sunday isn't going to improve.  We need rains and cooler temps!    Pets are all lying in front of the fans!    I'm going back to lie down in front of one too and dream I'm in a cool pool.  We may bring out a sprinkler and sit with the waters spraying on us tomorrow:)

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