Three prickly-looking things with ...........

 ........ a photobombing monkey!!!

Can you see him near the bottom - I swear that's a monkey face!!!

I love it when you find things in photos that you didn't see at the time.

 Maybe the monkey wasn't there when I took the photo??
 Maybe he's a trick monkey??
 Maybe he's a magic monkey??

As this is straight from the camera I'm going with the magic monkey.

It made me smile anyway and I needed that today :-)))

So many comments, stars and hearts for my Mum yesterday - the tears flowed fast and free each time I read a new one.  It humbles me that so many blip-buddies took the time and made the effort to be so thoughtful and kind.
A very inadequate THANK YOU from deep in my heart.

~ Anni ~

This website has made the following words so true ......

“A friend may be waiting behind a stranger's face.”
           ― Maya Angelou in 'Letter to my Daughter'.

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