
By Annieone

Just Out Of The Oven.............!

And inspired by Celebrity Masterchef last night....
Not sure what possessed me this evening....
But I took a mad vagary to bake....
And here are the results.....
Wicked Chocolate Brownies...(my own concoction ....based on a recipe in my Lindt Chocolate Cookery Book).......
A Pear & Almond Sponge...
And an Apple & Raspberry Crumble....

It's that last one that was made last night .......and it was deemed to be a dodgy combination....
But my goodness when they tasted it they were very impressed ...
And all I can say is .....if it's good enough for John & Greg then it's good enough for me....

Now I can vouch for the Brownie...(I've had a little square)....
And I just had to taste the Crumble......(and they were's gorgeous)...
But I think the sponge is going to need some hot custard poured over......
Am I making anyone hungry yet????
And can I send anyone a slice???
We've had another odd day weather wise...very warm..humid really......not a lot of sunshine!.
And several efforts to rain.....not making any impression on the ground but enough to get fairly wet if you stayed out in it...
And I was out...believe it or not watering the garden....
Only in Ireland??.....out watering in the rain!!!
Hope all are having a nice weekend....
Annie x

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