
By FauxPunk

New Tricks

Ok, so Basil isn't exactly an old dog, but we've had him 3 months and only just discovered tonight that he can do this when we're not inside him!

Went to go to Tesco, and realised all the car windows were open. But we'd no idea how. We hadn't had the roof down when we drove home, so we were pretty sure they'd been up when we parked earlier. Yet now they were all most definitely down. A bit worrying.

Despite the rain, the inside of the car was completely dry. The only explanation was that it had only just happened, but we hadn't seen it.

When we parked and got out the car, I asked Mathew to hold down the key button that unlocks the car. And lo and behold, after a few seconds, the windows went down! And then the roof did its thing. This brought us great joy, and many giggles. We've yet to figure out if there's a way to put the roof back up without being inside tho :-/

Lazyish day off today. Bit of a long lie, then played some skyrim (killed all those bandits I told u about on weds). Then the gym, which for the first time, neither of us could be bothered with. We did the entire program though, and it wasn't as bad as we thought. Managed to spend longer than usual in the steam room and sauna, and had 2 shots of the jacuzzi! Nice to relax.

Quick trip into town to see what apple had to say about the power button breaking on Mathew's phone. 3 weeks out of warranty! Very suspect timing!

Then home for a mountain of spiced mince with peppers and couscous. Syn free. All 1kg of it. Each :-/ I weighed the plate before and after, it literally was that much! Gotta love slimming world!

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