A rose for a friend

This is the only rose bush that we've been able to grow even semi-successfully, and it's a climber beside our front door.
I noticed this lovely bloom when I went out today, to attend the funeral of a former neighbour from when I was growing up. He had two daughters that I used to play with, along with another two sisters from across the road. The five of us spent many happy hours in and out of each other's houses, or playing in the fields or by the river. It really was a perfect childhood. We don't really stay in touch any more, as a group, yet we feel like we belong in each other's lives - a shared childhood is a pretty special bond.
What I hadn't realised was that he won awards for his roses, so when I saw this by my door when I came home, it had to be my blip of the day.
This is for you, Mr. Paterson.

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