Yummy yummy in my tummy

Apologies for this, but when will Wom sleep better? I think we have tried almost every trick in the book and none work. When he wakes, he wants milk and nothing else will do, simply as. Given he goes to bed at 6:30 ish, waking around midnight is to be expected, but why then do we get another wake up call (I see we, I mean I) at around 3am?
Oh well
Must not grumble too much

Lazy start to the morning, cuddles in bed with both. Headed down for breakfast and more cuddles. Grandma arrived, Munchie and I got dressed and headed for her first settling session at preschool. She went off and happily played, but going by the soggy state of her cardi she was a bit nervous. One of her friends from nursery goes to pre school on a Friday, but I have had to explain to Munchie that this friend won't be there when she properly starts as they are off to big school.

Only stayed for our planned hour. Munch fell asleep in the car on the way home, but Woms was so pleased to see us when we got back, his excited squwarks and yelps woke her up.

Big brother came to play. Lovely picnic style lunch, played then headed out to shops to get Munchie a lunch bag, drinks bottle and pre school bag. Got,the lot for a bargainous £9.97. Thank you grandma for the money to get them. Popped into Wilkos for new toothbrushes for the children. Home the very long way as both children needed a sleep. Managed to get them both in the house and all of us, including big brother, managed a sleep. Took ages to wake Munchie up after it... Really grumpy!

Tea, they separately demobilised it. Munchie scoffed so much pasta it nearly started coming out of her ears, Wom went nuts for the bolognaise, throughly enjoying it (wackbatt, please can you share this with meesh). Daddy came home, for all of ten minutes, then went off to the cricket. Hindsight, he shouldn't have come home, as Munchie then sobbed periodically until asleep, I want daddy!

Tired, so although only 8:30, I've gone to bed, just don't see the point of staying up for,the sake of it being too early.

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