Bowl of Beauty

That's its name - I rather think it's like a dollop of ice cream in a pink bowl!  It's a Paeonia.... not sure if that's a variation of a peony or not?  It flowers June, July and love it that it's Strawberry and Cream coloured (perfect timing for Wimbledon!).  It's large.. a metre in diameter... and it's covered with bowls of ice cream right now!  It droops a bit when rained on... but don't we all!

I've deliberately over exposed this pic... she says.. sounding like she knows what she's talking about ha ha - and do you believe me???? 

Other news for my own diary really - Amelia and bf moved house today... Jess and bf completed on the purchase of their brand spanking new house.... and I've finished work for a whole week....... happy days! :) 

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