Sports Day

Today was Sports Day at school. Another fabulous day!
I love seeing how much the Little Misses have changed since last year, the year before and the year before
Sports Day comes round so quickly!
First of all it was Miss L's turn - the nursery and Reception classes. They did sprints, egg and spoon races, a hurdle sprint and a very exciting relay.
Miss L got a bit upset in the hurdle race - she happily ran up to the hurdle but then stopped, had a job to get over it and then trudged to the finishing line in tears. Awful!
But she soon perked up and did her best in the relay.
Just to reassure her that not being the fastest runner is not the end of the world I went through the annual humiliation of the Mother's Race. 
I didn't come last, woohoo!!!!!
It was a dead heat for 5th and 6th. And there was one person behind me. What a triumph - I wore my sticker with pride!
After the little ones went back to their classes, Year one and two came out for their events. 
More running, sack races, obstacle courses and the fabulous relay between the two classes. 
Miss E dropped the baton, oh no! She did pretty well making up the ground. More dropping of batons, falls, slow runners, fast runners, cheering and whooping. 
We won!!!!! Woohoo!!!!! In your face other class!!!!
Then it was time for the Mother's Race again. Sigh!
This time I was back in my usual last place. Although it could have been worse - my legs were feeling a bit wobbly from my earlier efforts and I very nearly fell flat on my face!
I got my annual pity hug from Mr L thanking me for my efforts. He clearly appreciates a trier!!! 
It was a gorgeous day - boiling hot and sunny. We had a good spot on a bench, enjoyed tea and cake from the refreshment tent, nice chats with friends and there was lots and lots of clapping and cheering. Excited children and excited parents!
Just brilliant!
And followed by a slap up buffet lunch. What more could you want?!

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