
By Ktd

A sneaky day out....

I was supposed to be working today but a few of my friends were heading off for a couple of dives so I decided to join them. We launched the boat in Portland harbour and eventually headed out towards a major fog bank. The fog didnt clear all day :(
Our planning was quite good except for checking whether there was live firing in Worbarrow Bay - no Black hawk. We dived durdle door. Into Lulworth Cove for lunch and then off to the British Inventor. It was a great day of diving. It was a big rush back to harbour and then back to guildford for dinner with a group of my ex-colleagues. I was only an hour late!!  Good to see them all. After that home to wash dive kit and then back to another pub for Harriet;s 18th birthday drinks - she is finally legally allowed to buy alcohol.

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