Slightly cooler day today, and a cool wind of reality blowing around family B too - as we try to sort out our finances. Still, the day ended with a barbecue and some football watching (well for the boys anyway - while K read in bed and I tippy tapped away on the keyboard).
In the garden, the birds seem to have all got rid of their first brood and are back to fighting and nest building, so all is rather noisy again. And the jay seems too concerned with his own affairs to be bothering spending all day shouting at the owl outside our bedroom window. So that's a nice break for everyone.
Tomorrow, Conor will be heading off to a football tournament with his Dad and a new-found love of football. I need to get down to some serious baking. It's been too long.
Meanwhile, the ornamental garlic - first thing I planted here - is finally getting around to doing its stuff.
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