Lunch time

Did Parkrun again this morning and knocked another 65secs off my time! I can't keep that up - maybe I should quit whilst I'm ahead! (but I'm sure I won't). It seemed really hard work this week and then I knew why.
Mr Rat acted as tail-runner and No1 grandson went with him until his Mum finished and went back for him so he could go more quickly at the end. He's the youngest to complete that course so far, so well done to him.
The course goes past the Wildlife Centre and after we'd done we went to see the animals, No2 grandson's face was a delight when we told him where we were going.
Managed a few shots here if you're interested, and this is the Asian Short-toed Otter. The keeper had put the trout in places where they had to go to look for them.

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