For Sale

Alandaluz was a renowned hotel and eco-village located in Puerto Rico, just a half hour walk along the beach to the north of me and officially part of Las Tunas. The hotel boasted the slogan "Pasión por la vida" and was true to this mantra up until recently. Alandaluz functioned as a living and breathing experimental space for permaculture, recycling, dry toilets, community living, building with bamboo, and tourism all in one go - in it's time of operation for several decades the hotel trained dozens upon dozens of local people in hospitality, customer service, hotel maintenance, native landscaping, bamboo construction, and culinary arts (from the kitchen counter to table service). After an unfortunate event involving a tourist and a failed zipline cable, the owner has decided to sell the beautiful beachside property and all of it's ornate bamboo cabañas... the end of an era, indeed.

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