If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Luing cattle at Eyecott Hill.

After we had packed up the marquee and returned home Clickychick and myself went out looking for some blips which would be different from Fridays of the show field.

We headed towards the Lake District and the tiny hamlet of Berrier.  Near Berrier the Cumbria Wildlife Trust are starting a new reserve on Eyecot Hill.  I remember learning about Eyecott Hill lava at the geology club when I was at school.  It would appear it is very nearly unique.

One of the management practices to be used on the reserve is grazing by cattle.  In conjunction with Newton Rigg (the local Agricultural College) the trust have placed a herd of Luing catlle on the reserve.  Luing are named after the island off the Scottish coast.  The breed was developed during the 40s and 50s by the Cadzow brothers from crosses between Beef Shorthorns and the Highlander  (the shaggy long horned breed).  They combine the beefing qualities of the Shorthorn with the hardiness and ability to make use of rough grazing of the Highlander.

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