Doin' It Caveman Style

Got two things done today which I have been looking forward to the holiday to doing. The first was barefoot running at the local running track. Well, I managed to keep up the barefoot running for two and half kilometers, and then the pain became too much to bear. The soles of my feet are still stinging seven hours later. I am going to have to ease into this barefoot running lark slowly until the soles of my feet toughen up, obviously. Still, I managed to run 17.2 kilometers in two hours which, considering the heat, I think was pretty good.

This afternoon I started the art project I was waiting to commence. Although I like my Fred Flintstone portrait, it doesn't have the unnerving "realistic" effect I was hoping to achieve. It's pretty much a standard cartoon depiction. Oh well, I'll persevere and hopefully my cartoon characters will look more realistic as I progress.

Flintstones Theme Song

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