San Andreas Basilica

Slept well, up early for breakfast, then off out for,the day. A trip to the ancient city of Mantova first, followed by Sigurta Gardens in the afternoon.

This shot is of the inside of the awesome Basilica as the sun shone on the rows of chairs. Tradition says that it stands on the site where St Longinius, the soldier that pierced Jesus's side collected some of the earth sodden with his blood and buried it directly beneath the cross.

In 1472 Leon Batiste Albertti, Mantovas Michael Angelo, was commissioned to plan the reconstruction of the former church in a Classical style. The bell tower from1413 however, remains in Gothic form.

Inside it is massive with a single aisle, and several small chapel recesses off each side. One of which contains paintings of the Holy Family and John the Baptists family. It's decoration is just unbelievable, the photo doesn't do it justice really!

Towards the alter, central beneath the Dome, is the crypt where the Sacred Vases containing Christs' blood are kept. The crypt is opened only once a year, using twelve keys, and this is on Good Friday, when there is a procession through the city.

The beautiful gardens we visited during the afternoon were viewed from a little train, which saved our legs and sheltered us from the hot sun, 30 degrees and supposedly getting hotter each day now!

Another fab day.

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