Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Cats spent all morning chasing around. They are like little puppies - love to chase balls and when a leaflet comes through the letterbox they jump up to pull it out. They are always up to mischief and its a bit of a relief when they settle.

They love these radiator beds. One came with them when they arrived last Saturday and I already had one - which Bobby hated and never used. The one on the left is Bobby's old one - smaller than the other and surprisingly it is the most popular one. Its always the first one to be occupied.

Weather this morning was glorious - lovely sunshine for a change. Put loads of bedding out on the line- still trying to get it dry from the other day. After about 20 mins the heavens opened and I had to dash out in a heavy downpour to get the stuff in. Beginning to wonder when I will manage to get it all dry.

Too much football on TV today - can't seem to get interested in Euro 2012 yet. Will watch on Monday when England play.

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