Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Phantom patting

Ozzy the cat from Hell jumped into the bathroom sink this evening. This meant he wanted a drink of water from the tap. Probably because he's been eating a lot of dry food recently, having turned his nose up at the Whiskas sachets which J bought him. While I waited for him to finish so that I could get in there and get my hands washed, I occupied myself by taking some photos of him. I then noticed that my hand was in shadow so I moved it until I could get almost all of it showing. Looking at the picture now it strikes me that this is perhaps the safest way to stroke Ozzy - with a ghostly hand - and at least that way he can't bite you. Mind you his latest trick is to play Ninja Cat. I am still doing a lot of lying on the floor at home as my back remains sore, and while in this position over the last month he has rocketed into the living room, bit my finger and then ran out again, and he has also sneaked up behind me, bitten me on my calf and then belted out before I could even turn around.

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