Fathers' Day*

Against the logistical odds, I managed to see all of my kids today but Milly and Izzy were busy until the afternoon. This did mean, though, that the rest of us could go somewhere by car and I suggested a trip up to Hadrian's Wall. Dan and (especially) Abi were a little nonplussed - Hadrian's Wall is a year 3 trip - but Charlie and Hannah were totally up for it: "We love the Romans!"

You can comfortably fill a day in the attractions near Hexham but we only had a couple of hours, which we spent at Vindolanda. Firstly we went 'round the museum, which is ace. The soil at this site is anaerobic and consequently artefacts that would normally have perished - such as leather goods - have survived intact. So, for example, there is an amazing collection of shoes, in a surprising variety of fashions.

Then we went out to have a look around the dig. It's really quite incredible to try to imagine - and believe! - that these same walls were in place nearly two thousand years ago. We had a good old romp around and then went up into the buildings they have mocked up in the original style so they can try to understand how the buildings age. I took this photo on top of the wooden structure. (I often find the photos of people when they're getting ready to have their photo taken are best.)

But, as I said, we only had a couple of hours before we were heading back down the M6 for a Fathers' Day party and a quick game of Fenner Pictionary. As you can imagine it was great to be with all the kids especially just watching how they all get on with one another. I particularly love seeing how they make one another laugh. They make me very proud.

*I am not subscribing to the nonsense that is Father's Day. It's a crime against apostrophes and common sense.

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