Tiny Tuesday - Code Red

Don't you hate it when you're half way through writing a blurb, something happens, and when you come back it's lost and gone forever.

OK, the upshot of it was the sunshine had quite gone by the time I got into the Park, and whilst I saw lots of new growth, there wasn't very much in the way of flowers.

However, I did come across a burn site from 2008, and found the most wonderful selection of fungi.  Now, I know nothing whatsoever about fungi, but I do know that it can be extraordinarily beautiful so there are a selection of shots in Extras, including the incredibly bright yellow slime mould, a massive conglomerate of mushroom which must have been a good 12 inches across; a tint tiny little red mushie in the middle of an emerald green forest of moss.

The one I chose for my main image hasn't been touched up in any way - just look at that colour.  It's amazing.  and I don't mind that green blade of grass or whatever it is - it accentuates the red.

And I couldn't have done any of these without my brand new Canon Speedlight flash, which now sits permanently (you hear that Rower, permanently) on top of my camera.  It's super - it works out how much light you need in any given scenario.  Have a look at Mishka's blip from earlier today.  I took the image of that possum in pitch black, and that was my result  I set the shutter speed to 1/180, and let the camera and flash work out the rest.  Happy chappie.

Everything looks better in large with the black background.

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