Note to Self...
Trying to chase the rider in front after you've just been back at your first hour and a half taiko class in three weeks; then helped carry loads of drums up to storage; having ridden there in 'training' pace.... Well it's not a good idea.
I stuck with him for a couple of miles, then had no legs, whereas his calves were like tree trunks, and while he was on a rather feather light looking machine and uber skinny slick tyres, compared to my CX get-up, he was also carrying a large fluoro-hump covered bag, compared to my week Camelbak with light trainers, bachi and camera in it. So my excuses don't cut much ice. But training is training. Getting fitter. Getting faster.
Safe to say I 'eased' back into work today, though that did involve being out the door at 7 to head to Brechin to pick up my files, having talked through them (and finding out things had been looked after perfectly well in my absence, as I kind of expected, but also that my boss has been a bit swamped, so was happy to see me back), and driven back just in time for a late lunch. Tomorrow gets busy.
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