
I joined Blipfoto because I admired those people who managed to take a successful photograph every day and I wanted to have a go myself.  I didn't expect to produce a masterpiece of fine art every day (far from it) but I hoped that the majority of my images would be reasonably creative and original.

In practice, life gets in the way.  Increasingly, my blips seem to be just a way of recording my days - no doubt very interesting for me (and, perhaps, close members of my family) to look back on in the future, but not necessarily worthy of publication for the world to see on an open site like this.

There are some blippers who manage to produce extremely interesting and well produced  blips just about every day. I enjoy their journals. However, I can't match them.

You might gather from this that I am having some difficulty keeping up with the demands of blipping, and I don't have enough time regularly to look at (never mind comment on) others' journals. I shall try to carry on because the discipline has undoubtedly made me take photographs (including some successful ones) which I would not otherwise have captured, but there are periods when I seem to lack inspiration or ideas.

Perhaps the person who put these paint handprints on the wall of the underground car park felt similar frustrations.

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