Against The Wind
Puffin' against the wind............the torrential rain and more rain...and that was just me!! Poor things on Staple Island not good weather at the moment.
Optimistically called 'Glad Tidings' the boat out to the Farne Islands was no great joy I have to say. Sitting on deck getting hit with rain and wind for what seemed like an age chugging back to Seahouses forever with the boat heaving, pitching and rolling and all I could think of was a warm shower plus hot coffee, with water dripping down my hair and off my nose. Obviously if I survived!
Clambering over very slippery rocks with a camera on Staple Island, with back pack, and varifocals covered in water drops was dodgy. Some lady had a very nasty fall.. More dodgy was trying to take a shot. Buffeted with gusts of really strong wind and rain even with autofocus I had actually no idea what so ever what I was focusing on, and what the camera was trying to tell me. Not on my own with this we were all laughing in the same predicament but I was silently swearing under my breath. No 'shelter against the wind' here.
Hubs arrived back at the hotel to pick up the key at Reception to be greeted with...'Yes, .....your wife has arrived back, yes ....she is in the room but she was totally soaked and NO she was NOT happy!' Well...., hey, I don't remember having said a word apart from , 'Can I have key to Room 1 please?' as I dripped on their carpet! If a picture can paint a thousand words. Obviously I didn't need any.
Bob Seger on the quotes if any of you were wondering.
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