
By mef13

Abbey View

Another town centre view of the Abbey clock tower at Romsey, this time sandwiched between the town’s historic coaching inn, the White Horse and the much more modern Holt Mews town house development.
Fortunately ancient and modern sit side by side in complete harmony although the hotel’s car park was sacrificed to make way for the new buildings.
At one time I parked there regularly, on the way popping by the hotel bar, although more often the coffee lounge. Times change and these days it is a matter of parking wherever I can in the town centre car parks, or on short visits, hope to find a limited-time on-street parking spot.
But the options for taking coffee have also changed with many more choices available — there are four rival coffee shops within sight of the front entrance to the hotel.
In perspective then, the new development of the town houses on this former car park land, and currently being extended on the site of an old bakery, has brought improvement to the town.

Especially when it provides distant views of the Abbey.

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