Now I'm Nervous and I shouldn't be...

While contemplating this evenings Blip, I stepped outside to find himself running round the garden like a demented thing, proclaiming that he was being attacked by midgies.  Pah! I said, and walked towards him only to have my mouth filled by hundreds of the little horrors. 

I lay on the grass in my endeavours to avoid the bloody things, only to come face to face with this thing.  No idea what it is - must have been the cause of the midgie influx.

The sheer number of them, reminded me of a holiday we took to Ardlui on the banks of Loch Lomond.  The midgies were bloody awful, but hey - it was Scotland, it was the summer... What else would you expect.  

Mum and Dad had friends come up on the Friday night and when the lady of the couple  spotted the midgie invasion, she was straight up to the shop, bought up the Bleach stock and came back and washed down every surface, of that caravan, ceiling and all.  

Not one midge remained.  And the caravan was sterile.

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