Fathers Day

I got two cards. One from the three of them (that's both kids and the dog) and one extra from Katie (aged 14) that she'd "made at Brownies..." (she was helping out for her DofE.) Also a Toblerone, a bottle of ginger beer, some blackcurrant and licorices and a pen that draws on acetate (that last one was a happy accident I think...) Plus there was the joy of an unedited exchange of texts between the two of them that Beck insisted on reading out aloud:
            "T: Have you got anything for dad
            K: A Toblerone
            T: That's shit!
            K: What about you?
            T: Not yet
            K: What are you getting?
            T: I don't know. I was going to get a Toblerone..."
In other news, Beck and I did the 25 Mile version of the Great Notts Bike Ride in literally minutes over 2 hours (and I mean like 3 minutes over, not 56...), my triumph being only slightly tarnished by then meeting the (thoroughly unruffled) 78 year old Library customer who'd finished just after us...

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