
By samsticks

Solstice Frost

Wow, despite the heat from last night, I woke up freezing! The mercury had really plummeted overnight and the ground was covered in frost.

After playing around at home for a while, Miles and I went out for breakfast to celebrate him still being alive after a full week of Mum being in Canada. A bit of park time ensued, and then we set off back home to see our builder, Tim.

A few little cracks have recently appeared around the cornices in our place and I just wanted to check that all was OK (I'm not worried about the walls themselves, seeing as it's solid concrete!).

Thankfully it seems like the house wasn't doing anything sinister and it's just a bit of movement with the changes in temperature (which is what I'd hoped!). We did discover, however, that our neighbour's stormwater dumps out directly under the house, which is less than ideal... so I'm going to have to have a difficult conversation over the next few days.

I spent most of the rest of the day working on the wardrobe (around Miles' sleep and after he went to bed). It's not finished, but at least I could get the room back in order so we can sleep when Gina and Sue arrive back tomorrow.

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