Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43


Pigeons are really quite a nuisance in my garden - I put out food for smaller birds, at some considerable cost, but the smaller birds are often discouraged by the pigeons, which also eat most of the food! Rats with wings? This image is from a trophy at the BCLM - it was on display in Hall 2 for at least 2 years, but is now being returned to the store- it was a nightmare to light, due to reflections, and in trying to eliminate the reflections I have ended up with a shadow, though in the full-size version of the image it is much less visible. Even if I had been able to use my light-tent (the trophy was too heavy for it), reflections would still have been a problem, at least based on experience of trying to shoot other reflective objects.

Olympus E-M5, 35mm macro.

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