
By Appreciation

Another glorious allotment day.  My patch looks manicured to within an inch of its life.  That plus I now have a protected strawberry bed, courtesy or Craig.  At this time of year the allotment looks so lush.  Everything is bursting with growth and promise.  The salad is already delicious and the first batch of spinach almost eaten. 

My girl was out last night at the Filmmakers' Film Festival Ceilidh and today at a film.  We met up around early evening and drove out to the Kelpies.  She's not been before and her awe was plain to see.  In the greyness of yesterday and with no light from within they took on a different strength for me,  it seemed much more about the steel than the horses.  I must remember to vary my times.  I want to see them lit up soon.

My boy slept in.  His pick up was outside before he was dressed.  Still they made the plane in plenty time and he has landed and found his apartment.  That's probably enough information for me just now, although one friend did tell me that pals from his football team have had the team badge tattooed on their arses!   Cannae wait tae see that.

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