Caramacs & Monkey Socks

By AmyW

Ewan McGregor at the EIFF

My friend Lynz and I went to a Ewan McGregor Film Festival event at the Lyceum today. He was being interviewed by Edith Bowman, and it's a good thing he's a chatty sort of person and kept going off on tangents, because her questions weren't really that great...! It was a good afternoon though, as he's very entertaining and down to earth, and he had lots of funny anecdotes!
We hadn't been sitting in the theatre long (and most people were still to arrive), when we heard someone shouting "Hullo! Hullo!" We didn't really pay much attention, but when we eventually turned round we were surpised to see Ewan sticking his head round the door waving, haha!
His mum and uncle (Denis Lawson - again!) were sitting about five seats away from us, and the director of the film Ewan's premiering at the Festival was sitting along our row, though we had no idea who he was, oops!
My blip is the best of a bad bunch! We weren't allowed to take photos during the interview, so he promised that he would hang around at the end and even do different poses so that we could take some, haha! Unfortunately because he was mucking about so much doing the different poses, it made it very hard to get a picture in focus!

In the morning, I went to Cake Fest at the Botanics. They'd set out a big map shape on the ground, and people had made cakes of lots of different buildings and landmarks in Edinburgh - some were professional, some not. They were gradually adding them to the map as they arrived, and later in the afternoon they were all going to be cut up so people could enjoy them. I wasn't able to stay that long though! Someone had even made a model of the Titan Arum that's currently causing some excitement as it's about to bloom - it'll be the first time one has ever flowered in Scotland. I don't think I'll go and see it when it does, as it's meant to smell of rotting flesh. Mmm, lovely! You can see the cake version in my extra photo.

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